Keep 'em coming!
Fuck that was funny. I can't remember another a flash that's made me laugh so hard. Cool ending too and I like your art style.
Keep 'em coming!
Fuck that was funny. I can't remember another a flash that's made me laugh so hard. Cool ending too and I like your art style.
The term 'Worthless piece of shit' comes to mind.
At the end you say we've wasted 30 seconds of our life watching your fucked up little short film's but then you wasted more making that god awful shit. Don't expect people to bother watching your 'Supernova' if this is what they can expect.
Do us a favour and castrate yourself so no little Kevin's will plague the Earth.
remember, reviews are for giving advise, and for constructive critism, not for unleashing the pent up rage you have for when your father molested you...
Jackie Chan is the man
This has gotta be one of my fave Flash Anime's. The sound effect's remind me so much of Jackie Chan's old movies aswell as the fight scenes. Goes to show not all stick figure movies suckass (although the vast majority do).
Number 1 of ALL TIME - 'Die in Style' on 07-AUG-2003. It's highest score was 4.54/5. 04-OCT-2003 DiS reached 500k+ views :)
Age 44, Male
Joined on 8/13/01